Beginners Guide On How To Become A Skateboard Photographer (6 Ideas Of Skate Photography)

Skateboarding creates enthusiasm among kids and adults. Most of the riders like doing tricks on skateboard. Some like powersliding skateboards, some like downhill skateboarding, some like to commute around and some likes to kick flip with skateboard. Amusements can be achieved in myriad ways but what most of the people wants are to make the moments valuable memory. Skate photography opens the path toward embalming the memories.

When working as a photographer, you will most likely hear that skateboarding is known as art or lifestyle. Moreover, photographers never consider it as a sport as skating is quite creative. Above all, skaters earn huge respect.

Therefore, if you love doing skateboard photography, then you will come across creativity, fun, and enthusiasm. From finding out different locations to experimenting with professional camera lenses, it is quite interesting. Besides, you will get the opportunity to try out different angles and lights too.

Due to this reason, most photographers these days take interest in skateboard photography. Even the demand for skateboard photographers is quite high. Once you become a skateboard photographer, you can work for brand promotions and shoot tutorials. What you need first, is a professional good quality camera for skateboard photography.

Here is some essential information on how you can be a skateboard photographer.

How To Become A Skateboard Photographer
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Skateboard Photography Ideas

Photography Idea
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If you find skateboard interesting and can watch skaters doing stunts for hours, then you can freeze the moments. Yes, we are talking about skateboarding photography. There are thousands of skateboard photography ideas that you can use.

1. Look for right angles to click dynamic photos

skateboard photography tips
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When it comes to skateboard photography, it is necessary to find out the right angle. When clicking, you have to forget about the one-angle-fits-for-all concept. Low angles are one of the best options when it comes to skateboard photography.

Click pictures from the ground as it not only adds height but also adds an extra dose of excitement. Next, you must opt for clicking pictures from above. For example, click pictures standing on a bench. Make sure to include the face of the skater in the frame.

You must avoid utilizing traditional perspectives. Take pictures while the skaters are performing stunts. You can practice test shots until you are achieving precision.

2. Manual focus is great for sharp photos

Manual Focus For Sharp Photos
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Although autofocus is a rescuer; however, when it comes to skateboard photography, the pictures might get blurred. Due to this reason, it is a good idea to opt for manual focus. Select an object, especially at the sport where you want your skater subject to be.

Make sure to pre-focus on the object. Finally, you can shoot when the skater comes in the frame. Initially, you have to practice it; however, you will soon master it.

3. Click pictures in shutter speed for skateboarding photography priority

Click with shutter speed
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Skateboard photography is all about capturing motion. As a result, you will need good shutter speed for freezing the motion and to get the perfect moment. Hence, opt for shutter speed priority mode.

You won’t have to worry about the correct aperture. Besides, your camera will automatically adjust as per the shutter speed. If you need motion blur, then lowering the shutter speed will do the work.

4. Work with the skaters

Work with skaters
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Working with the skaters and knowing their techniques is crucial when it comes to skateboard photography. All you have to do is introduce yourself and take permission from them. One of the best parts of skateboard photography is, you can discuss the angles.

If you are serious about skateboard photography, joining any skateboarding community is the best idea. You will get the opportunity to work as a photographer in any local skateboard competition.

5. Select a community that compliments your composition

Select a community
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The background is an integral part of photography. It is best to keep the background clean and tidy and choose the sky as the background. It will help in creating a contrast between the subject and the sky. Besides, separating subjects is not always a good idea, especially in skateboard photography. All you have to do is wisely choose a background that complements the subject. In this way, you do not have to exclude the subject.

6. Camera settings for shooting skateboarding

Camera setting
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When shooting for skateboarders, shutter speed is the vital thing that matters. Make sure to keep the shutter speed at 1/1000 speed. Besides, ISO should be high too if you want to freeze the skaters. You can avoid the depth of field.

How To Photograph Skateboarding If You Are Newbie

As a newbie in the field of skateboard photography, it is necessary to follow a few tips. Below listed are a few of them that you can consider.

how to photograph skateboarding
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  • Shoot from unique postures and backgrounds

Angles, postures, and backgrounds are three key factors that decide the quality of skateboard photography. Always choose low angles, mind-blowing postures of the subject, and a simple background. With a minimalistic background, your picture will focus more on the subject and his motion.

  • Capture motion and multiple shoots

Motion is the greatest shot that makes skateboarding photography unique. Shutter speed priority is important if you want to freeze motion and the subject. Make sure to keep the aperture settings appropriate, especially for a good exposure.

  • Be unconventional and experimental

Photography is all about experimenting. Above all, if you want to be a pro in skateboard photography, keep experimenting with your shots. However, you must not take straight shots. Experiment with various angles, depth as well as motion. This will make your pictures more enriched.

  • Focus to describe the story with your shoot

If you want to be creative with your shots, make sure to click for such angles that you can use for telling a story. You must have heard that pictures say a thousand words. Therefore, if you want your clicks to be narrative, then focus on unique angles.

  • Follow the skateboarders’ blog and work with them

Skateboarders are believed to be unique due to their exquisite ideas. Hence, if you want to come up with unique shots, then work with them. Also, do not forget to follow their blogs for a better idea.

Wrapping Up

Therefore, shooting skateboard photography takes a lot of practice. Following the above-mentioned tips, you can definitely become an expert skateboard photographer.

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